You have to...

Move to improve

Play to make headway

Shine to refine and...

Dance to advance

Dance2advance focuses on so much more than dance alone. And this is because dance is more than just dance alone. If you are a dancer, you are a mover and if you are a dancer, you are an artist and a poet, and also, if you are a dancer, you have the ability to heal and transform hearts.

Dance2advance specializes in breakdancing, fused contemporary floor work, animation dance and hand balancing.

Since 2010 I have give numerous dance and movement classes all over the Netherlands, in India, Indonesia, Thailand and Sweden.

Classes and workshops vary from single dance after school activity lessons for kids from age 4, to regular in depth movement group sessions and individual coaching.

At the moment I am based in Amsterdam and due to the Corona virus situation have decided to focus on online teaching. As soon as things turn back to normal (whatever that may be), I will continue teaching live classes in the city of Amsterdam.

For more information email [email protected]